Now, having done all seven parts of the full Ollie the Elephant: English Basic Words program I can see even more that every person on the planet needs it.
Why? Real clarification of those “little-big” words is simply the foundation of everything in the language.
A comparison comes to mind: when one wants concrete, one has to mix some little rocks, sand, water, and cement. Cement is the glue that makes that mixture super-strong, and a skyscraper or a bridge can be built with it. Without it, one would only have wet sand and rocks mixed together. I think no one would want to walk over a bridge built with wet sand and rocks. Actually, there would be no bridge at all. Just a pile of sand and rocks.
And I would say that the “cement” is those words being clarified on the Ollie program. As without it, one can’t really understand a language and be understood when trying to express himself.
Without them one can’t really go to dictionary and read what the other “big” words mean. Or read anything, from newspapers to textbooks in schools, or job descriptions at work.
I’m writer of textbooks for pupils in schools, and even with quite a good understanding of grammar, words, and language, I still had many realizations throughout the program. I also feel that I myself can read more easily and more smoothly.
Once again I would like to thank the creators for making this program, and for investing thousands and thousands of hours to make it in this super simple way.
Thank you!