Before this program, when I studied, I would quickly fall asleep. I was non-functional. I would just be fighting to stay awake. Instructors would ask when this started. I would reply that it started when I walked in the room, the first day. Nothing seemed to work.

I heard about the Ollie the Elephant program from a dear friend. It just indicated and I reached out to William and purchased the program.

When I started the program I would go “lights out” as soon as we opened a booklet. After hours of work though, this lessened and lessened to where now the phenomena is very light. I learned so much doing Ollie the Elephant, I now UNDERSTAND what the simple words are doing. They actually make sense. They have a purpose.

I also did the first portion of the Grammar program that William and Megan are writing. It’s amazing. Now when I clear a word I actually look at the part of speech and it makes sense, and frankly I can’t fully clear a word without looking at that. Before I tried to not-is that info in the dictionary as I didn’t understand it.

This program is literally life changing and life saving. It is changing my study life around and I feel certain that I can now win on study. My situation wasn’t simply one of not persevering or having enough discipline, but one of missing/confused data.

I think this program is key and can debug lots of people. Frankly, I think everyone should do it, as I think it will speed up study speed for everyone and increase correct application.

I really can’t say enough positive about this program. I think it’s vital.